Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday in Haiti

Blog for Sunday in Haiti

by Lauren Schaffran

     Sunday morning- After piling into the back of a pickup and taking a bumpy ride into Pignon for traditional pumpkin soup, we went to church. It was a small concrete church in the country. The service lasted about two hours- there was a lot of singing. Everyone in the congregation sang at the top of their lungs- 50 or so Haitians in a little tin-roofed church definitely out-sing the entire sanctuary at SOTV!  They wanted us to sing, so we got up on the little stage and sang 'This Little Light of Mine' and 'Every Move I Make.'  The atmosphere was very welcoming- we found that despite the language barrier, we were able to connect with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

     Later, we played a game of soccer against Ken, (who is the son of Neil van Dine, a Haiti Outreach employee who has lived in Haiti for 23 years and has been our guide), a couple of his cousins, and several Haitian boys who ran over to join us after the game started. It was a hot and sweaty game that went very poorly for us Americans, but we had a blast!

    Just before dinner we took the truck to a nearby orphanage, run by an American couple, Bill and Jennifer Campbell. We spent some time touring the place and interacting with the kids- some of them were very comfortable playing with us, and enjoyed having their pictures taken and then crowding around to see themselves onscreen. Many of them spoke at least a little English and were able to talk to us a little. It was very interesting to learn about the orphanage. They have kids ranging from a tiny baby (who was only 3 pounds when they took her on) to 17-year-olds. None of the kids there are ever adopted. They go to school in Pignon, staying in the orphanage at least until they are 18. They are free to stay longer as the Campbells help them find jobs and be integrated into their society.

     We heard stories both sad and hopeful about the kids and their families. The orphanage was a reminder both of the many ways we have seen Christ in the amazing people we have met here, and also of the things that we have been blessed with and take for granted. Most of the kids are malnourished when they are taken in. Kids with diseases and medical conditions that could be treated in the United States have little hope here. But it was a meaningful experience to watch the kids laughing and playing, happy despite the hardships many of them have endured.

     Finally, we ended the day playing Frisbee and soccer in front of the Guest House with a big crowd of kids that stopped by. We hung out with them until it was almost too dark to see. They finally headed home, some of them with promises to come back tomorrow. Kids all around the world are the same- bundles of energy!

     Tomorrow morning we are heading to a nearby well-house, probably to paint and maybe haul rock. As we start into a day of hard work, we're sure to have our eyes opened by God in all sorts of new ways!

More photos:

1 comment:

  1. Regen!! Don't hurt yourself playing soccer :P
    I'm glad to see you guys are having a blast!
