Monday, July 30, 2012

Rapid City: Club for Boys

Monday July 30

The boys from SOTV combined forces with the boys from Calvary Baptist (the other middle-school group serving here) to work at The Club for Boys. They provide a very low-cost environment for local boys to "develop self-esteem and character in a caring, safe, and fun environment."

Monday at the Club for Boys is called "sanity day" for the staff and we were told that when we return on Tuesday we would truly understand why it is called that. The day started with an overview of the club and instruction from Mark, the club director. Mark is very upbeat and passionate about the club and that energy was passed on to the boys as they accepted their mission to first clean the building on Monday in preparation for buddying-up with a boy when the center is open for the remainder of the week. 

Mark led the group in a quick Simon Says (of course, Mark was Simon) to see how many of us were listening; a great way to get everyone engaged. After a tour of the facility, each person scanned in a visitor badge which helps the club track its volunteer hours for possible grants, etc. Then the work began. The club is building a nice-sized outdoor fort and was putting the finishing touches on pouring the footing and moving a bit of earth for the foundation; a few boys moved cement from the mixer truck and put some sweat into the project. The club also maintains a garden so a few boys were off to water that on this off-day. The majority of the day was spent in some "Spring Cleaning" where boys and adults pitched in to vacuum, mop, and wipe down the majority of the building. The capstone project was helping to haul in a 700+ lb slate pool table donated that day to the club. The slate was very hot after being transported from the donor site to the club which added to the challenge of bringing it into and through the building. With many hands making lighter work, the table was set up just as the work shift ended for the day - a very satisfying end to the day's work!

The work day was followed by clean up, showers, and a pizza dinner at a Christian school 20 minutes from the work site, and a visit to Mount Rushmore. Later, when the group assembled back at Trinity Lutheran, our home base in Rapid City, stories were shared of the day's events across all site about God's good work through our youth and adults.

Chris Read

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