Thursday, July 19, 2012

Last Day in Haiti


It is a beautiful and bittersweet night as we prepare to leave Pignon...bags are being packed and goodbyes being said. Today was a bit more laid-back and restful, after 3 solid days of heavy lifting in the sun. The road looked pretty darn great as we waved goodbye to the people of Char (my next attempt at spelling the community's name) yesterday. This morning we put on our work shoes one more time--before most of them went into permanent retirement--and hiked part of Mount Pignon. We got to do some fun shopping at a craft market that was set up outside the Guest House. Later in the afternoon we were able to visit a few people's homes and get another perspective on daily life here in Haiti. It was quite an eye-opener to walk through a tiny three-room house (with a kitchen and latrine out back) that is home to 12 people!
We were graciously invited to sit on Neil's roof again this evening to catch the sunset and share conversation with his family and each other. It was a thoughtful group time, where people reflected on moments and insights from our trip that we hope are captured in our memories forever! There are so many stories to tell when we get home. Thank you all in advance for listening to them :)

Tomorrow from the Miami airport I will send assorted comments that I have been collecting from the whole group. We are all so grateful for this experience and all of you who have supported and encouraged us to be here! See you very soon!

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