Thursday, July 12, 2012

Quad Cities: A Great Day!

Hello Friends and Family!

We've had a wonderful few days in the Quad Cities! Last night we went to "Statik," a youth worship service in Rock Island, IL. After jumping on inflatables, climbing the rock wall, and playing basketball, students enjoyed a great worship.

A garden spruced by youth!

Today, Iron Man (Dana's group) returned to the CCC Food pantry where they sorted clothes and spent a large amount of time working in the rose garden weeding and mulching. On the right is an after picture (click to enlarge). It looks amazing and was already starting to inspire other neighbors to spruce up their lots as well.

Hulk (Brandon's group) went to a new site today. It was a care facility for 50 children and adults with developmental disabilities. The group cleaned windows, washed the facility's buses, and weeded.

It was a very productive day for both groups. Students have also enjoyed the new friendships made with youth from other congregations.

Just a head's up: our departure time is likely 9am tomorrow and if traffic conditions allow, we might actually be back at SOTV between 3:45-4:45pm. Students will call home when we are 1/2 hour away.

Much peace and joy to you all~
Brandon and Dana

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