Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday Worship in Joplin

Our first full day in Joplin began with Sunday morning worship. Both groups received warm welcomes at two different churches. People that we met were very grateful and happy that we were going to be working in the area.

Camp Noah group before church on Sunday
The Rebuild group visited Peace Lutheran Church. Their building was destroyed in the tornado and they are temporarily worshipping at Bethany Presbyterian Church. After lunch, the group enjoyed some free time in the afternoon at nearby Shifferdecker Park. The afternoon was very hot, but the water at the pool there was nice and cold. On Monday, this group starts a week of working outside in the 90's. 

Sadie and Angela by the Camp Noah display at Immanuel.
The Camp Noah group worshiped at Immanuel Lutheran Church, which shares its campus with Martin Luther School where Camp Noah will be held all week. Although Immanuel and Martin Luther's buildings survived the tornado intact, its surrounding community took quite a toll. Buildings were destroyed just a block from the church and school. Soon after the disaster, Immanuel dedicated itself to working extensively to the rebuilding process by forming the organization Transform Joplin.

After church, the Camp Noah group began to start preparing for the week of camp: getting the rooms ready, going over the curriculum, rehearsing songs and skits and lots of other little details.

Both groups returned to where we are staying at Abundant Life Christian Center for dinner, worship, devotions and free time. There are many, many other groups from around the country also staying at ALCC and involved in many other areas of disaster relief. It's a big place with plenty of room, but it is very full.

Some of the youth who have attended YouthWorks mission trips in the past were surprised that we wouldn't be working with the other groups staying with us and were interested in meeting and interacting with them. Hopefully there will be chances in the days to come to hear some of their stories, and share our own. Toward the end of the night during free time, I did in fact see many of your youth playing and talking with other groups.

Sadie and BJ practice their puppets
As I finish this post, we are halfway through a successful first day at Camp Noah. A few adult leaders got a chance during the morning to take popsicles over to the other group at the rebuild site. It's a hot day, and that crew is working on two houses nearby that are right next to each other. I plan to post more pictures and updates from both groups either tonight or tomorrow morning.


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