Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So What is Luther Dell Anyway?

Luther Dell Bible Camp finished this year on Friday, June 22 for our SOTV youth. If you followed any of the posts on their blog last week, you may have wondered, "so what is Luther Dell anyway?" It may have looked simply like a bunch of fun and games, but as any camper could tell you, there's much more to it than that. There were two groups of SOTV youth there that week for Youth Camp  and ROOTS. Here are the descriptions of those two groups from Luther Dell:

Youth Camp (4th - 9th grade)
There is something special about a week away with your friends that will be full of laughs and memories. Just knowing that every day is packed full of activities, games, music, and worship sets the stage for experiencing togetherness in a powerful way. Youth Camp at Luther Dell is focused on building relationships as we play, worship, and make friends and memories that will last a life time. The week is more than just fun, excitement, laughs, friendships, and games. It’s a journey that we take together in pursuit of God’s heart. Come and join us on this week long adventure!

ROOTS (10th - 12th grade)
The roots of a plant go below the surface to provide strength for plants to stand and to supply them with water during dry times. As students are facing the challenges of high school and preparing for what is next, a ROOTS week at Luther Dell will challenge them to consider where they are choosing to root their hearts. Together, we will continue to develop our faith through worship, relationships, activities, and service. Come and grow the roots of your faith with us!

A Final Word on Luther Dell from Brandon Newton

The summer theme at Luther Dell was ‘The Upside Down Story’ and Bible studies focused on the parables that just seem backwards (like the Good Samaritan, Prodigal Son, Workers in the Vineyard, and the Unmerciful Servant). Students were challenged to reflect on the questions ‘where did you see grace,’ ‘where do you see Jesus,’ and ‘who do you identify with in the story’? It got a little soggy at the beginning of the week but afterwards campers enjoyed a mud football tournament, Muddy Muddy Scoop Noodle Challenge, Medic, Skittles, Luther Dell Olympics, and camp worship in the morning and evening. In the end grace was found where it was least expected, friends were made, clothes were muddied, and spirits were overflowing. Thank God for the ministry of Luther Dell.”

Want more Luther Dell? 
Come to worship at The Table in the Great Hall this week on Sunday, July 1 at 10:30 a.m. to hear their trip report! Also be sure to check out their blog, the Luther Dell Times.

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