Friday, June 29, 2012

Busy and sweaty work in Joplin

Monday morning the two groups got right to work.

The Camp Noah group headed out in its two vans early. Breakfast could wait - teachers needed to prepare their classes, and actors and musicians needed time for last run-throughs before the kids starting arriving for their first day around 9 'o clock. Monday was a "getting to know you" kinda day. Over thirty children came the first day, and a few more joined us on Tuesday. The kids learned new songs, enjoyed activities in their classrooms, and played outside. After lunch was a Birthday Party - for everyone! Since many kids' lives were disrupted by the tornado, Camp Noah makes a point to celebrate the normal and fun things that kids look forward to, including birthdays! Everyone enjoyed birthday games, had cake and got a present. All in all it was a fun day for everyone. A local news crew surprised us by showing up and doing a story on us. See the video on KOAM TV 7's website.

On Monday, the Rebuild group worked at a Habitat for Humanity house shoveling and raking dirt so that the ground slopes away from the house and getting the yard ready for grass seed to be planted. It was an unforgiving day of dirty work in over 100° heat. Tuesday through Thursday the group split into three teams: one team painted the parsonage behind Immanuel Lutheran Church (where Camp Noah is). The other two teams worked on  Habitat houses putting up siding, support  beams on a porch, mixing concrete (by hand!) and continuing the hard work of shoveling and raking dirt.

Throughout the week, the two big groups would spend time when not at our work sites touring Joplin to see firsthand both the destruction and rebuilding happening all over the area. We also met each night as a large group for worship, a testimony and devotions in small groups.

My goal of posting every day while we are here has obviously fallen by the wayside, but there will be more posts, photos and videos to come. We've all been very busy but are enjoying our time growing in faith and developing deeper relationships with each other. Hard to believe that we come home tomorrow!

Please pray for our safe travels.

Trip Sullivan
@ Abundant Life Center in "JOMO"

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