Sunday, June 24, 2012

Disaster Relief Begins!

Picture time before we hit the road.
On Saturday, June 23 2012, twenty youth and sixteen adult leaders trekked 11 hours in four vans from Shepherd of the Valley to southern Missouri for a week of Disaster Relief. We will stay until Saturday, June 30.

This year our Disaster Relief will consist of two projects in Joplin, Missouri, which suffered destruction at the hands of a catastrophic EF5 tornado, just over a year ago on May 22, 2011. Both groups traveled together and will stay together at Abundant Life Christian Center. The groups will split up during the day to their respective worksites and spend the evenings together for worship, fellowship, devotions and small group time.

The two groups are:

REBUILD—When there is news of storms, floods, or earthquakes, we send adults and youth to help rebuild people's homes and lives. SOTV youth have traveled to the Gulf Coast to work on hurricane-damaged homes, and will do similar work in Joplin.

CAMP NOAH—Through Lutheran Social Services, Camp Noah is a fun, safe, and caring day camp for children to process their disaster experience. Participants will help lead small groups, skits, crafts, and games with children.

We arrived safely but now the real work begins. Please keep us in your prayers throughout the week. More posts, photos and videos to come.

Trip Sullivan
from the road in Joplin, MO

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