Friday, June 29, 2012

Busy and sweaty work in Joplin

Monday morning the two groups got right to work.

The Camp Noah group headed out in its two vans early. Breakfast could wait - teachers needed to prepare their classes, and actors and musicians needed time for last run-throughs before the kids starting arriving for their first day around 9 'o clock. Monday was a "getting to know you" kinda day. Over thirty children came the first day, and a few more joined us on Tuesday. The kids learned new songs, enjoyed activities in their classrooms, and played outside. After lunch was a Birthday Party - for everyone! Since many kids' lives were disrupted by the tornado, Camp Noah makes a point to celebrate the normal and fun things that kids look forward to, including birthdays! Everyone enjoyed birthday games, had cake and got a present. All in all it was a fun day for everyone. A local news crew surprised us by showing up and doing a story on us. See the video on KOAM TV 7's website.

On Monday, the Rebuild group worked at a Habitat for Humanity house shoveling and raking dirt so that the ground slopes away from the house and getting the yard ready for grass seed to be planted. It was an unforgiving day of dirty work in over 100° heat. Tuesday through Thursday the group split into three teams: one team painted the parsonage behind Immanuel Lutheran Church (where Camp Noah is). The other two teams worked on  Habitat houses putting up siding, support  beams on a porch, mixing concrete (by hand!) and continuing the hard work of shoveling and raking dirt.

Throughout the week, the two big groups would spend time when not at our work sites touring Joplin to see firsthand both the destruction and rebuilding happening all over the area. We also met each night as a large group for worship, a testimony and devotions in small groups.

My goal of posting every day while we are here has obviously fallen by the wayside, but there will be more posts, photos and videos to come. We've all been very busy but are enjoying our time growing in faith and developing deeper relationships with each other. Hard to believe that we come home tomorrow!

Please pray for our safe travels.

Trip Sullivan
@ Abundant Life Center in "JOMO"

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So What is Luther Dell Anyway?

Luther Dell Bible Camp finished this year on Friday, June 22 for our SOTV youth. If you followed any of the posts on their blog last week, you may have wondered, "so what is Luther Dell anyway?" It may have looked simply like a bunch of fun and games, but as any camper could tell you, there's much more to it than that. There were two groups of SOTV youth there that week for Youth Camp  and ROOTS. Here are the descriptions of those two groups from Luther Dell:

Youth Camp (4th - 9th grade)
There is something special about a week away with your friends that will be full of laughs and memories. Just knowing that every day is packed full of activities, games, music, and worship sets the stage for experiencing togetherness in a powerful way. Youth Camp at Luther Dell is focused on building relationships as we play, worship, and make friends and memories that will last a life time. The week is more than just fun, excitement, laughs, friendships, and games. It’s a journey that we take together in pursuit of God’s heart. Come and join us on this week long adventure!

ROOTS (10th - 12th grade)
The roots of a plant go below the surface to provide strength for plants to stand and to supply them with water during dry times. As students are facing the challenges of high school and preparing for what is next, a ROOTS week at Luther Dell will challenge them to consider where they are choosing to root their hearts. Together, we will continue to develop our faith through worship, relationships, activities, and service. Come and grow the roots of your faith with us!

A Final Word on Luther Dell from Brandon Newton

The summer theme at Luther Dell was ‘The Upside Down Story’ and Bible studies focused on the parables that just seem backwards (like the Good Samaritan, Prodigal Son, Workers in the Vineyard, and the Unmerciful Servant). Students were challenged to reflect on the questions ‘where did you see grace,’ ‘where do you see Jesus,’ and ‘who do you identify with in the story’? It got a little soggy at the beginning of the week but afterwards campers enjoyed a mud football tournament, Muddy Muddy Scoop Noodle Challenge, Medic, Skittles, Luther Dell Olympics, and camp worship in the morning and evening. In the end grace was found where it was least expected, friends were made, clothes were muddied, and spirits were overflowing. Thank God for the ministry of Luther Dell.”

Want more Luther Dell? 
Come to worship at The Table in the Great Hall this week on Sunday, July 1 at 10:30 a.m. to hear their trip report! Also be sure to check out their blog, the Luther Dell Times.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday Worship in Joplin

Our first full day in Joplin began with Sunday morning worship. Both groups received warm welcomes at two different churches. People that we met were very grateful and happy that we were going to be working in the area.

Camp Noah group before church on Sunday
The Rebuild group visited Peace Lutheran Church. Their building was destroyed in the tornado and they are temporarily worshipping at Bethany Presbyterian Church. After lunch, the group enjoyed some free time in the afternoon at nearby Shifferdecker Park. The afternoon was very hot, but the water at the pool there was nice and cold. On Monday, this group starts a week of working outside in the 90's. 

Sadie and Angela by the Camp Noah display at Immanuel.
The Camp Noah group worshiped at Immanuel Lutheran Church, which shares its campus with Martin Luther School where Camp Noah will be held all week. Although Immanuel and Martin Luther's buildings survived the tornado intact, its surrounding community took quite a toll. Buildings were destroyed just a block from the church and school. Soon after the disaster, Immanuel dedicated itself to working extensively to the rebuilding process by forming the organization Transform Joplin.

After church, the Camp Noah group began to start preparing for the week of camp: getting the rooms ready, going over the curriculum, rehearsing songs and skits and lots of other little details.

Both groups returned to where we are staying at Abundant Life Christian Center for dinner, worship, devotions and free time. There are many, many other groups from around the country also staying at ALCC and involved in many other areas of disaster relief. It's a big place with plenty of room, but it is very full.

Some of the youth who have attended YouthWorks mission trips in the past were surprised that we wouldn't be working with the other groups staying with us and were interested in meeting and interacting with them. Hopefully there will be chances in the days to come to hear some of their stories, and share our own. Toward the end of the night during free time, I did in fact see many of your youth playing and talking with other groups.

Sadie and BJ practice their puppets
As I finish this post, we are halfway through a successful first day at Camp Noah. A few adult leaders got a chance during the morning to take popsicles over to the other group at the rebuild site. It's a hot day, and that crew is working on two houses nearby that are right next to each other. I plan to post more pictures and updates from both groups either tonight or tomorrow morning.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Disaster Relief Begins!

Picture time before we hit the road.
On Saturday, June 23 2012, twenty youth and sixteen adult leaders trekked 11 hours in four vans from Shepherd of the Valley to southern Missouri for a week of Disaster Relief. We will stay until Saturday, June 30.

This year our Disaster Relief will consist of two projects in Joplin, Missouri, which suffered destruction at the hands of a catastrophic EF5 tornado, just over a year ago on May 22, 2011. Both groups traveled together and will stay together at Abundant Life Christian Center. The groups will split up during the day to their respective worksites and spend the evenings together for worship, fellowship, devotions and small group time.

The two groups are:

REBUILD—When there is news of storms, floods, or earthquakes, we send adults and youth to help rebuild people's homes and lives. SOTV youth have traveled to the Gulf Coast to work on hurricane-damaged homes, and will do similar work in Joplin.

CAMP NOAH—Through Lutheran Social Services, Camp Noah is a fun, safe, and caring day camp for children to process their disaster experience. Participants will help lead small groups, skits, crafts, and games with children.

We arrived safely but now the real work begins. Please keep us in your prayers throughout the week. More posts, photos and videos to come.

Trip Sullivan
from the road in Joplin, MO

Friday, June 22, 2012

Youth Summer Mission Commissioning

Youth and adult leaders were commissioned on Sunday, June 10 at 10:30 in both the Sanctuary and the Great Hall worship services. Below is video from both services that day. Were you there? Can you spot yourself?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Updates, Photos and Video from Luther Dell

The fine folks at Luther Dell are very prolific with updates to their blog. Despite some rain, everyone has been having a great time. In the words of Youth Director Brandon Newton on Tuesday:

It has literally rained the entire day today yet spirits are still high if not "overflowing" (get it?). We are just getting ready for the Olympic Games and I am rooting for the Penguins as that's the team I was assigned.

Look to see if you can spot SOTV campers in their many photos and videos at

Monday, June 18, 2012

Luther Dell Campers Arrive Safely

This e-mail went out to parents Sunday night:

We made it to Camp Luther Dell safely! We had a new bus driver so we took a few detours :). It is currently raining a lot. At any rate, please encourage parents of Luther Dellians to check the Luther Dell blog for updates and photos:

Have a GREAT week!

2012 Summer Mission Schedule

Please pray for our youth and adult leaders as they embark on trips throughout the country this summer.

Each Mission Trip will present a report upon their return on Sunday mornings in worship at the Table in the Great Hall at 10:30 AM. 


Below are the dates for each trip and corresponding report. 

Summer Stretch: Twin Cities // Tuesdays through August 2
Staff leader: Mike Pahl

Luther Dell: Remer, MN // June 17-23
Report in Worship: Sunday, July 1 // Staff leader: Brandon Newton

Disaster Relief: Joplin, MO // June 23-30
Report in Worship:
Sunday, July 8 // Staff leader: Erin Swenson-Hatzung

YouthWorks: Lake Traverse Indian Reservation, SD // July 8-13
Report in Worship:
Sunday, July 15 // Staff leader: Pastor Randy Brandt

YouthWorks: Quad Cities, Iowa/Illinois // July 8-13
Report in Worship:
Sunday, July 22 // Staff leader: Brandon Newton

Journey to Haiti // July 12-20
Report in Worship:
Sunday, July 29 // Staff leader: Katie Strand

YouthWorks: Chicago, IL // July 22-27
Report in Worship:
Sunday, August 5 // Staff leader: Erin Swenson-Hatzung

YouthWorks: Rapid City, SD // July 28 - August 3
Report in Worship:
Sunday, August 12 // Staff leader: Katie Strand