Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Arrival in Bethphage

On July 6, 2013, a group of 27 senior high youth and 4 adults traveled to the Bethphage Mission in southern Nebraska, near Kearney. They will spend a week there.

I wanted to let you all know that we got to Bethphage safely. We are about to go to worship with the residents. Everyone is looking forward to meeting and getting to know the residents. I unfortunately only have internet access through my phone but I will try to send an update every few days. 

- Erin Swenson-Hatzung, Youth Director

Bethphage (pronounced BETH fuh gee) is a mission home for about 120 people living with a variety of mental and physical disabilities, provides individual services, living options, work choices, spiritual nurture and advocacy to those so often forgotten. At Bethphage, participants will connect with others and stretch their comfort level and boundaries while building transforming relationships with the wonderful people at Bethphage. In addition to accompanying residents and helping with activities, participants will be able to complete maintenance projects. Evenings are spent in worship, devotion, bonfires, team building, and fun in the city and surrounding area. Learn more about the Bethphage Ministries for the Disabled.

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