Saturday, August 3, 2013

VIDEO: Bethphage

Youth grades 9-12 and adults connected with residents at Bethphage Mission in southern Nebraska, near Kearney. They accompanied the residents, people living with a variety of mental and physical disabilities, in their daily activities, worked on maintenance projects, and enjoyed worship and fellowship together.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Heading home from Florida

We are on the bus heading home, with bitter sweet emotions for many ...not wanting the deeply meaningful time at Blue Horizon Christian Retreat center to yet end. We had a fabulous and very late evening of worship, message, songs, and beach time. Then up at dawn for a Sunrise Beach worship followed by a walk to the local donut shop, and final worship.

Bible passage this morning: Ephesians Paul's prayer of growing deep in the love of God in Christ.

Heading for dinner at Nashville Buca de Pepo.

See you tomorrow.
-Pastor Randy Brandt

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Updates from Beach Camp


Today's theme: lost but not alone in the wilderness.

Exodus 14:13. Do not be afraid, stand firm, and see the deliverance that the Lord will accomplish for you today...

So far, a great morning run for 18 youth which ended with a cooling rain shower from the clouds; a huge southern breakfast; 30 minute quiet devotional time; worship with Grace Nelson sharing a story of personal challenge and faith; and small group discussion time; and Ben W. shared his favorite bible verse from Psalm 118:6. Thanks, Ben. And it's only 11am!  Later a boat trip to Shell Island state park.


GPS is today's theme "God's Positioning System"... God's gives us the gift of knowing our identity, purpose, and direction in life through God's presence most intensely experienced in community and relationships with others in Christ's family.

Bible verse today is. Proverbs 3:5-6

Water balloon volleyball was a laughter- filled time today, Erin spoke at our morning worship, beach time included shelling and sightings of two dolphins and two sting rays. We're now at our one visit at the tourist shopping area called "Pier Park" with sprinkles of rain coming down.

Tonight we again worship and listen to inspiring life stories of faith from our group. Now if I could just find time for a nap!


Today's theme is "Lost but Never Alone" meaning that no matter where in life you are, no matter the high or low, the faith or doubts...We are never alone. We are promised and assured God's trustworthy presence...and God's presence is most often experienced in relationships off caring support in the Christian family...

Today is a busy last day, we will spend time at the waterpark and already we've had drenching rains, it will be a great evening of worship and closing.

- Pastor Randy Brandt

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Journey to Florida is Underway!

Hello families,
Getting ready to leave SOTV on Sunday

The bus ride was smooth and uneventful. When we hit Alabama this morning the humidity exploded with the temperature! We've had some time settling in, in the gulf water waves, swimming pool, sand pit volleyball, plus small group time, and singing or first worship songs of many.We still have quite a few experiences yet planned tonight with worship and an evening beach walk and mixer games. 
In Alabama on Monday

The message today is about the good shepherd who seeks the lost ones. Everyone is meant to belong. Good arms of love wrap around us all!

Randy Brandt

About this mission trip:

39 youth and 8 adults will travel by coach bus to a retreat center in Panama City, Florida. Mornings and evenings will be spent in large and small group worship, Bible Study, and personal reflection. In the afternoon participants will enjoy the beach and local attractions. Wherever SOTV travels, participants will look for good in others, affirm and brighten people’s day, learn and listen to others’ stories, and deepen relational faith skills. Participants will intentionally practice the SOTV culture of caring, welcoming, and affirming. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

VIDEO: Green Bay and Ox Lake

Youth from grades 6-8 served through homeless ministries, elderly centers, children’s programs, and thrift stores in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

VIDEO: Pine Ridge Reservation

JUNE 22-28
Youth from 9th grade and adults traveled to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. There, they fixed up homes, played with children, and slowed down from everyday life to interact with a community rich in culture and story.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Arrival in Bethphage

On July 6, 2013, a group of 27 senior high youth and 4 adults traveled to the Bethphage Mission in southern Nebraska, near Kearney. They will spend a week there.

I wanted to let you all know that we got to Bethphage safely. We are about to go to worship with the residents. Everyone is looking forward to meeting and getting to know the residents. I unfortunately only have internet access through my phone but I will try to send an update every few days. 

- Erin Swenson-Hatzung, Youth Director

Bethphage (pronounced BETH fuh gee) is a mission home for about 120 people living with a variety of mental and physical disabilities, provides individual services, living options, work choices, spiritual nurture and advocacy to those so often forgotten. At Bethphage, participants will connect with others and stretch their comfort level and boundaries while building transforming relationships with the wonderful people at Bethphage. In addition to accompanying residents and helping with activities, participants will be able to complete maintenance projects. Evenings are spent in worship, devotion, bonfires, team building, and fun in the city and surrounding area. Learn more about the Bethphage Ministries for the Disabled.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

VIDEO: Luther Dell

June 16-21, 2013
LUTHER DELL is for 6th-12th graders and is 3½ hours north of Apple Valley on Boy Lake. Participants enjoy unique faith enriching activities and 10th-12th graders have the option to participate in the ROOTS program - an exciting week of deep growth in faith, peer ministry, and leadership development.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Greetings from Pine Ridge - Day One

Hello, Minnesota! I am writing to let you know that we made it, safe and sound, and are enjoying a little bit of free time (and showers) after a full day at our ministry sites. I'm sorry I haven't been able to be in touch before now; my cell phone does not work here (neither the reception for calls/texts nor the data....argh). Anyway, I managed to borrow a laptop from one of the Youthworks staff to send a quick update.

Everyone spent the day getting to know the community here, either by working with children in Kid's Club and a tutoring program, or through painting homes in a nearby neighborhood. The kids are adorable and very hungry for attention. One huge challenge is seeing firsthand how different life is here from at home. Kids learn to be independent and tough at a very young age. Spending time in the neighborhoods highlights the contrast between the experience of living in Pine Ridge vs Dakota County and what most of us have known. We'll be doing a lot of processing these next few days! Being here provides a great opportunity to grow in our understanding of the world and in our faith - really wrestling with what this experience means for us, and how we understand God's work in the world.

Tonight we hope the weather holds, allowing us to have our evening worship in the Badlands. What a beautiful area this is! A blessing to be immersed here for a week with your kids - they are awesome :)

I'm not certain when/if I'll get a hold of a laptop again for sending you additional updates, but you can be confident that no news is good news - and we have access to communications for emergencies! Use the phone number for Colleen that I sent home to you if you need to get in contact with us.

Blessings to you all! We'll have lots of great stories for you when we get home.


Monday, June 3, 2013

2013 Summer Immersion Schedule

“He must increase but I must decrease.”

-John 3:30

John the Baptist’s statement referring to Jesus is a challenge for all of us. Such decrease and increase is not simple math or an easy formula. We are products of a culture where bigger is better and doing more is the desired outcome. However, sometimes the work we do for others does less to make their lives better and more to make us feel good.

This summer we will be challenged to step aside and let Jesus do more while we experience life alongside others in the communities we are sent. We will walk with those we go to serve as co-laborers in God’s kingdom while hearing their transforming stories of faith and life.

Our summer immersion trips give students the opportunity to learn from and serve together with their host community. Several new trips are being offered to help students experience Jesus in the midst of caring and mutual relationships. No matter where we travel we continue to practice SOTV’s strong culture of welcome, care, and transformation in the name of Jesus Christ. This is best achieved when we stop doing for others and focus on being with others.

When it comes to experiencing Jesus, less really is more. When we load vans for our summer trips, we fit everything we need under the seats and in the back. We travel light (some travel lighter than others) and trust the community and God to provide everything else. We will all be challenged to step aside, to decrease, and let Jesus take over and live through us.

Here is the schedule for 2013:

Summer Stretch: select Tuesdays in June and July
Camp Wapo/Luther Dell: June 15-21
Pine Ridge: June 22-28
Green Bay: June 30-July 5
Bethphage: July 6-12
Habitat Milwaukee: July 15-21
Duluth: July 21-26
Beach Camp: July 28-August 3

We look forward to decreasing with you! 
~Pastor Randy, Katie, Erin, Brandon, and Barb